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before you come out

here are a few tips to consider before going to an outdoor yoga or meditation class

Path with Snow

What to bring

There is no need to weigh yourself down with bags and mats and bottles while you are in the forest. your instructor will bring insect repellant, water, and a lightweight mat for you.


before you come out

Please remember to use the bathroom and eat a little snack before driving out to the park.



bugs are beautiful creatures when we can observe each other from a respectful distance. to maintain this distance your instructor will use non-toxic repellent sticks and essential oils. there are a few more steps you can take on your own to ensure you are not bothered:


* wear shoes, long pants, and socks. tuck the ends of your pant legs into the socks and your shirt into your pants to create a barrier to crawling bugs like ticks and ants.


* use an insect repellent that works for you on a hat to keep mosquitos and gnats away from your face.


* Stay away from floral scented perfumes and soaps as these can attract insects more.



we will still go out in light rain as the forest canopy provides an excellent umbrella and the rain is a lovely thing to experience in meditation. to ensure you can enjoy it the most a long poncho with a deep enough hood works perfectly. your instructor will bring a few extra in case you forget yours. 



loose thin cotton or silk clothing works best to remove heat from the body by drawing moisture away from the skin and allowing the air movement to evaporate that moisture taking the heat with it. on hot days we will focus on slow movements and breathing techniques to remove heat and humidity from the body.



synthetics(fleece, heatech) and animal fibers( wool, cashmere) work best to retain heat as they do not absorb moisture. this will reduce heat loss by transfer from your skin to the surrounding clothing. wearing these as layers works best as each layer traps still air over which heat has difficulty transferring ( think double-paned windows). in addition, single piece clothing such as jumpsuits or cloaks work best to keep heat moving from the warmest parts of your body to the extremities. when you have working cold weather gear winter can be one of the most joyful times to do yoga and meditation outdoors.

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